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Can Your Apartment or Home Save You Money in Taxes?

    3 minute read

    Most homeowners know that they can receive certain tax deductions on a home that renters simply can’t. Still, some homeowners are confused about how much they can benefit from owning a home. The new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is making everyone scratch their heads. We’re here to tell you how you can claim a sum as a homeowner on taxes. And for those of you who don’t own a home, the great news is that renters can still claim some tax deductions.Read More »Can Your Apartment or Home Save You Money in Taxes?

    Are Your Vehicle’s Special Equipment or Custom Parts Covered?

      3 minute read

      Everyone loves something that is personally customized for them. For some people, that includes their car. Have you altered your car in any way? Maybe you bought expensive equipment for your car recently. Unfortunately, these types of modifications can be vandalized or stolen. If you’ve added custom parts to your car, be aware that they’re probably not covered by your standard Auto Insurance. Read on to learn more.Read More »Are Your Vehicle’s Special Equipment or Custom Parts Covered?