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How Much Auto Insurance Do I Need?

    5 minute read

    For many people, the question of how much Auto Insurance is enough may be tough to answer. Picking from the many different insurance options often feels a guessing game. Some people err on the side of safety, electing much more coverage than they need. Others do not have adequate Car Insurance or are in such heavy debt after buying a car that their loan is considered “upside down.”  To get the most out of your Auto Insurance, you need to know what you’re getting. And you should have a trustworthy agent.Read More »How Much Auto Insurance Do I Need?

    All-American Roads: Top 10 Motorcycle Rides in the U.S.

      4 minute read

      These locations have been visited by motorcycle enthusiasts for years and each one has its own unique reason for being loved by riders. If you haven’t yet decided on a precise roadmap for your next motorcycle road trip, you may want to include one or two of these time-tested locations on your itinerary. Scenic and spotted with cool places to lodge nearby, you won’t want to miss these amazing motorcycle rides on your next trip.Read More »All-American Roads: Top 10 Motorcycle Rides in the U.S.

      Earthquake Insurance: What to Do Before an Earthquake Strikes

        6 minute read

        Some people who live in earthquake-prone areas don’t think about when the next big earthquake is coming. While it does little good to live anxiously expecting the worst to happen, it is a wise idea to look at your Earthquake Insurance options to obtain some peace of mind. Those who do not have the proper insurance hope the government will provide them relief if disaster strikes. However, few government-subsidized disaster programs, like FEMA, are structured to give more than emergency assistance. Programs like FEMA will help meet the most basic needs to live, like food, water and shelter. But not everyone qualifies for these programs. Even if you qualify, this sort of help isn’t a permanent solution by any means.Read More »Earthquake Insurance: What to Do Before an Earthquake Strikes