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4 Apps to Download to Help Simplify Life

    2 minute read

    With the popularity of smart phones, people have endless information available to them at all times. Apps are easily downloadable and usually free, so AIS has compiled a list of useful these useful resources to help you simplify your life.

    1. Key Ring:

    If you live by rewards cards, then you’ll love the simplicity of this app, which stores all of your rewards information and lets you scan your phone in the store instead of loading up your keys with all the cards. Even if you’re not a rewards aficionado, you can put your gym membership card on here for easy scanning.

    Apps to download - key ring

    2. Waze:

    Not only is Waze a GPS on your phone, but it also shows you where traffic is the heaviest, car wrecks, police locations and other car troubles. The GPS system chooses the routes that has the lightest traffic flow; furthermore, it connects all drivers with each other in order to give warnings about trouble on the road.

    Apps to download - Waze

    3. Mint:

    Mint is an online home that gives you instant access to all of the accounts you hold at different financial institutions. You only have to supply your logins for each bank, credit union, credit card company, and this app will compile your transactions and balances. Mint will then make these accounts available to you in a simple, clean environment that uses both data and graphs to tell you exactly where you are with your finances.

    Apps to download - Mint

    4. Sleep by Motion X:

    Sleep is an app that can greatly improve the quality of your mornings. This app will monitor and analyze your sleep cycles by having your iPhone or smartphone on your mattress or under your pillow. The best thing about Sleep is that it wakes you during your lightest sleep within a 30-minute window. As a bonus, it also has an alert feature that will let you know throughout the day when you have been idle for too long.

    Apps to download - Sleep by MotionX

    Smart phones sometimes get a negative rap because they take up a great deal of people’s time. But, when used properly, they can help you to simplify your life. These apps help you to keep everything in one place and backed up, thus reducing the risk of ever getting lost.

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