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Will Ride-Sharing Companies Drive up Auto Insurance Rates for Everybody?

    3 minute read

    Transportation network companies, also known as TNCs or ride-sharing companies, are popping up in more cities across the U.S. With names like Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar, these entities allow a person to set up and pay for a ride using a smartphone app or computer. But TNCs don’t maintain their own fleets of cars; instead, they allow regular drivers to “rent” out their personal vehicles to those who want to earn more as ride-sharing drivers.

    It’s this latter aspect which is drawing the ire of some people in the insurance business. They claim that ride-sharing services are effectively driving up the rates of personal auto insurance policies for all other drivers in the areas in which they operate.


    Auto Insurance Rates


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    Pay-As-You-Go Insurance App: Too Good To Be True?

      3 minute read

      The process of obtaining auto insurance has become much easier in recent years with the advent of the Internet. Now, people can visit an insurer website, enter some information, get a rate quote, and purchase auto insurance coverage. Also, digital proof of insurance is starting to be offered in many states, allowing users to keep “virtual insurance cards” on a smartphone instead of having to dig through a glove compartment or purse to find a card.

      However, the basic procedures which determine how much you pay for auto insurance haven’t really changed all that much. Insurers take your information, and assign you a premium amount based on how people in your risk group drive. They don’t take into account how your driving habits might differ from those in your peer group.


      Auto Insurance


      Read More »Pay-As-You-Go Insurance App: Too Good To Be True?

      The New Prank du Jour: Smart Car Tipping

        3 minute read

        April Fool’s Day 2014 has now come and gone. Hopefully, you emerged from this “prankful” holiday relatively unscathed. But some people in the Bay Area who thought they had dodged the proverbial bullet were stunned when they walked outside on the Monday morning after April Fool’s Day to find themselves victimized by the latest prank that has invaded the U.S.

        What’s this prank, you ask? Smart Car tipping.


        Smart car tipping

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        Electric Cars and Cold Temperatures Don’t Mix

          3 minute read

          Hundreds of thousands of Americans have begun reaping the advantages of plug-in electric or electric-hybrid vehicles. They can be charged at home, eliminate the need for most or all costly gasoline fill-ups, and help the environment by refraining from spewing pollutants into the air. For many people who drive short distances in urban settings, EVs are a dream come true.

          But for those who live in climate-diverse areas of the U.S., electric vehicles can present some bothersome problems.


          Auto Coverage


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