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Which City Has the Worst Traffic? (Hint: It’s in California)

    3 minute read

    People who drive a passenger vehicle in a big city (or even its suburbs), usually have to concern themselves with the scourge of traffic congestion. And if you have ever been in a heavy traffic jam where there doesn’t appear to be any end in sight, it always seems like its the worst traffic in recorded history.

    A city in California has the worse traffic.But unless drivers frequently travel throughout the country by car, they probably don’t have much of a sense about where traffic is heavier or lighter than anywhere else. Is there a way to determine which city has the worst traffic conditions?

    One company does exactly that – and the top city on their most-congested list probably won’t surprise you.

    And the “Worst U.S. Traffic Award Goes to…”

    INRIX is a company that focuses on traffic patterns in congestion in all major cities in North America and Europe. Its Traffic Data Archive actually analyzes and interprets real-time traffic data for all urban areas in every quarter hour of every day all year long. The firm then expresses its findings through an INRIX Index which represents more congestion based on how large the number is.Read More »Which City Has the Worst Traffic? (Hint: It’s in California)

    Drivers Beware: Texting While Walking Accidents On the Rise

      3 minute read

      In recent years, people have been bombarded with messages about the dangers of texting while driving. Studies have shown that auto accident risks increase exponentially when a driver tries to use a handheld device to text, surf the web, or perform similar tasks. In fact, such behavior has now been outlawed in 42 states.

      But one thing that’s still legal is texting while walking. And believe it or not, this combination is starting to cause problems across the nation.

      Beware texting while walking accidents on the rise.21st Century Danger: Texting While Walking

      According to research from Ohio State University, from 2004 to 2010 the number of pedestrian injuries that involved mobile phones tripled, even while all pedestrian injuries decreased during the same period. A separate study indicates that out of the 41,000 annual pedestrian injuries that require visits to emergency rooms, some 15% of them involve cellphones. Many of these injuries are caused by a motor vehicle striking a texting pedestrian who isn’t paying attention.

      Historically, most pedestrian injuries were concentrated in the elderly, child, and intoxicated populations. But with the advent of mobile phones, the demographics of pedestrian injury victims are changing; with many people between the ages of 16 and 25 years of age reporting pedestrian injuries. What’s more, some experts believe that these figures are underreported, since texting while walking can lead to an injury which many people find embarrassing.

      The few attempts across the country to outlaw texting while walking have been met with resistance; and practically speaking, it would probably be a difficult law to enforce. Therefore, many safety advocates are finally beginning to raise awareness about this issue. They are encouraging pedestrians to stop walking while sending or reading texts, or to use voice commands to operate their smartphones. There are even some digital apps that can lower the odds of injuries while texting and walking, such as one which utilizes smartphone cameras to help pedestrian watch for obstacles in front of them.Read More »Drivers Beware: Texting While Walking Accidents On the Rise

      How Insurers Estimate Auto Repair Costs

        3 minute read

        Auto accidents are a part of the practice of driving. Even the most careful drivers can make a mistake, or simply be at the wrong place at the wrong time when someone else strikes their vehicle. Damages can range anywhere from a dented fender to a totaled car.

        That’s why smart drivers always carry ample auto insurance. If they cause an accident, the insurer will pick up the tab for repairs to the victimized vehicle (or property). If their own vehicle is damaged and they’ve purchased the right coverage , their policy will cover repair costs.

        How Insurers estimate auto repair costs.

        Read More »How Insurers Estimate Auto Repair Costs

        7 Tips on Getting High-Risk Auto Insurance in California

          3 minute read

          America is a place where people are encouraged to take chances. Maybe you’re one of these intrepid individuals who starts their own business, tries an exotic food, or faces their fear by doing something daring.

          Defining a high risk driver in CaliforniaTaking risks is part of what being an American is all about. But being a high-risk driver isn’t. Not only does it put your safety and that of others in jeopardy, but it also makes getting auto insurance pretty expensive — or even nearly impossible.

          Defining a High-Risk Driver in California

          What exactly is a high-risk driver? In California, this term tends to describe people who have several of the following factors:

          • been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
          • just started driving (like teenagers)
          • modified their vehicles for improved performance
          • purchased a rare or very fast vehicle
          • received multiple moving violations
          • been involved in multiple collisions
          • filed multiple insurance claims

          Read More »7 Tips on Getting High-Risk Auto Insurance in California