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B2B Tips: 3 Habits for Business Development Success

    3 minute read

    There are many people who think that a person either has a personality for generating business or not. The reality is, you don’t have to be born with it. There are certain skills that successful business development professionals practice on a regular basis. These skills can be acquired by anyone who is willing to put in the effort to ensure their business development success.Read More »B2B Tips: 3 Habits for Business Development Success

    Avoiding Holiday Disasters: Fire Safety Is Key!

      8 minute read

      Thank goodness that fires are covered in a standard Homeowners Insurance policy, right? Well, if you consider the fact that a Homeowners Insurance claim will only cover rebuilding your home, not its current value, you may decide to be a little more careful when it comes to fire safety during the holidays. Accidents and mishaps happen more often around this time of year, including fires in the home. We’ve made a list of the most common holiday disasters, along with a list of do’s and don’ts. We hope we can help you prevent a fire this year and wish you and your friends and family a happy and safe holiday. Make sure to share these important tips with everyone near and dear to you.Read More »Avoiding Holiday Disasters: Fire Safety Is Key!

      Holiday Shopping: What Happens If Someone Hits My Car in the Parking Lot?

        5 minute read

        Some stores have built their reputations on the famously hectic annual Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday sales. And it only gets worse as Christmas and Hanukkah rear their heads. We’re here to help you navigate one of this season’s biggest traditions without any losses, mishaps or accidents along the way. If you’re in a car accident over the holidays, things could get hairy without the right insurance coverage. Read More »Holiday Shopping: What Happens If Someone Hits My Car in the Parking Lot?

        There Are 12 No-Fault States: Do You Live in One?

          4 minute read

          Currently, there are 12 states considered no-fault states in regards to Auto Insurance. You may be wondering what “no-fault” means exactly. No, it doesn’t mean that everyone in these states drives around recklessly and bumps into other cars, people and pets before walking away without facing any consequences. It also doesn’t mean that if you live in a no-fault state that your insurance company will pay for all accidents, no questions asked.Read More »There Are 12 No-Fault States: Do You Live in One?