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Catastrophic Insurance: What Is and Is Not Included in Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

    5 minute read

    Many people don’t understand what is not included on their standard Homeowners Insurance policy until it’s too late. Some homeowners only think short-term and opt for the minimum requirements on their mortgage. While there’s no one type of catastrophic insurance that covers everything, there are a few that are crucial to have. Most victims of natural disasters never imagined that they’d lose their home and belongings to a flood, earthquake or wildfire. People often skim over Flood Insurance and Earthquake Insurance, even after an agent explains that they won’t be covered with a standard Homeowners Insurance policy.Read More »Catastrophic Insurance: What Is and Is Not Included in Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

    How to Have the Best Motorcycle Road Trip: Tips & Tricks

      4 minute read

      You’ve decided to take a motorcycle road trip for the first time. You won’t have to spend money on airfare and the gas mileage on your bike beats that of any car. Whether you’re crossing over a couple state lines or riding across the country, there are a few things to keep in mind. Taking a motorcycle road trip is different from going on a long ride. Keep the following tips in mind to avoid headaches or accidents. And make sure you have Motorcycle Insurance!Read More »How to Have the Best Motorcycle Road Trip: Tips & Tricks