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Add-On Insurance Part I: Why Is Collision Insurance Important?

    3 minute read

    Many people opt to buy the most minimal amount of Car Insurance possible. Why do they do this? The answer is usually that they want to save money. It can be expensive just to pay for the minimum Car Insurance that is legally required by the state for all drivers. But in most cases, that minimum amount of Liability Insurance is not enough. People who have only the minimum amount can end up owing hundreds or even thousands of dollars out of pocket after an accident. It’s usually better to pay a little bit more on each payment to have additional Auto Insurance coverage. In fact, add-on coverage like Collision Insurance might just be the only thing standing between you and a financial disaster. Read More »Add-On Insurance Part I: Why Is Collision Insurance Important?

    10 Reasons You Need A Renters Insurance Policy

      4 minute read

      Just because your landlord has insurance, doesn’t mean you don’t need Renters Insurance. You shouldn’t assume that if something terrible happens, like a fire or flood, that Landlord Insurance will cover you and your belongings. In fact, some cities require renters to carry Renters Insurance for better financial protection. Even if your community doesn’t require you to carry Renters Insurance, you should still consider the consequences of choosing not to protect yourself in case the unexpected happens. Read More »10 Reasons You Need A Renters Insurance Policy