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10 Things That Could Make Your California Auto Insurance Plan Invalid

    3 minute read

    Auto Insurance Companies Can Choose Whether or not They Wish to Insure YouThese days, drivers in California have more options than ever before when it comes to auto insurance. Not only are there over a hundred companies from which auto insurance can be purchased, but finding insurers, comparing rates and coverage, and signing up for insurance is easier than ever before with rate comparison websites such as

    But this “culture of choices” goes both ways. In other words, auto insurance companies can choose whether or not they wish to insure you. Moreover, these insurers can elect to declare your policy null and void under certain conditions — which can sometimes leave you on the hook for thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs.

    Read More »10 Things That Could Make Your California Auto Insurance Plan Invalid

    8 Ways for California Seniors to Lower Their Auto Insurance Rates

      2 minute read

      8 Ways for California Seniors to Lower Auto Insurance RatesNow that you are a well-seasoned individual getting lots of “senior discounts,” you have amassed enough life experience to have earned the right to pay less for auto insurance. So if you think you are paying too much for your coverage, here are eight things you can do about it:

      1. Retire. It’s something that you probably want to do anyway. But retirees generally pay less for auto insurance because they don’t have to worry about that stressful daily commute to work anymore. So when you do bid adieu to the workforce, be sure to notify your insurance agent about your new status.

      Read More »8 Ways for California Seniors to Lower Their Auto Insurance Rates

      6 Tips for Getting Auto Insurance If You Have Bad Credit

        2 minute read

        People who shop for auto insurance are often looking for fairly different things. Some want insurance against as many types of mishaps as possible. Others want to add a teen driver to their policy. Some even want zero-deductible insurance coverage.

        And then there are the people who are burdened with subpar credit records.

        In some states a person’s credit score does affect how much he or she pays for auto insurance. That’s because there’s a strong statistical correlation between an individual’s creditworthiness and his or her risk of filing an auto accident claim. Therefore, car insurers often charge higher premiums to policyholders who have lower credit scores.

        So if your credit is less than stellar, here are eight suggestions for finding auto insurance that won’t blow up your budget.


        Read More »6 Tips for Getting Auto Insurance If You Have Bad Credit

        8 Tips for Getting Lower Car Insurance Quotes

          3 minute read

          Obviously, it’s unethical to knowingly give false information when obtaining a car insurance quote. But there are two more practical reasons for being truthful.

          1. The insurer will check your personal and driving records anyway to verify the information you have submitted.

          2. If you do manage to secure a policy with inaccurate information, it’s quite possible that your coverage would be voided when you file a claim if by doing so your lie gets brought to light. And that could leave you in a lurch.

          Read More »8 Tips for Getting Lower Car Insurance Quotes