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Kids, Cars and Heatstroke

    4 minute read

    This summer has been hot, hot, hot! That means you need to be extra careful about what—and who—you leave in the car. We all know that you should never leave an infant, child or pet in the car under any circumstances. Not even for a minute. However, it’s especially important to remember this in the summer. Will you be driving infants or children around this summer? If the answer is yes, there are several things you need to know about heatstroke, your car and how it reacts in heat. Check out our useful facts and tips to learn how you can keep your young passengers safe and cool during the summer months.Read More »Kids, Cars and Heatstroke

    12 Reasons Why You Should Get a New Auto Insurance Quote

      5 minute read

      With today’s ease of cell phones, getting a new Auto Insurance quote should be a no-brainer for most people. All you have to do is go online or make a phone call to a knowledgeable AIS agent.  That agent will shop multiple rates from trusted insurance companies at no cost to you. They will find you the best rate, and guess what? You just saved hours of searching for the best policy on your own. So, why wouldn’t you get a new Auto Insurance quote? Read More »12 Reasons Why You Should Get a New Auto Insurance Quote

      What Do I Do If My House Is Broken Into?

        5 minute read

        Home security is crucial to your peace of mind. If you’ve just Googled something like the question above and found us, chances are that you are shaken up because your home has been vandalized or you suspect someone has broken into it. You’re not alone. An estimated 3.7 million home burglaries occur each year. For the sake of your own safety, the first thing you must do is call the police.Read More »What Do I Do If My House Is Broken Into?